Monday 29 August 2011

Resume tips: A Way to Great Career

It is not a surprise that a well-written resume will show a candidate out of others; it will promote you and your experience; and it will get you a great job. It means that before sending out your resume you have to spend some time to prepare it and make it valuable for employers.

Main meaning of the work “resume” which comes from French is “summary”. Some people make a mistake considering it as equivalent to “curriculum vitae”. Resume has to be a brief description of your work history, not a poem. Some folks make it huge up to 3 pages pointing out lists of duties they performed while working at different employers; they think the much the better, but it is not like this. Trust me. Recruiters will not waste their time reading these poems and your resume may be found in trash.

Clear show your skills. Don’t write too much, point out only important ones that are required by employer (of course you must have them).

Think about what to write in the objective of your resume. Note that objective is some kind of advertisement of you as a professional. Now put yourself in customer’s place. What are you likely to do: purchase a highly advertised and branded product or purchase mostly same product that is unknown to you and anybody in the world? I guess you will choose the first option. So do employers. Remember that.

Adjust to employer’s needs. This is simple. When you browse a job ad and make a resume for this ad you will have to carefully see job requirements section of the ad. After you will have to adjust your resume to these requirements; not to all but to those you already have. Here is an example what I mean: a person graduated from HR program. He is looking for a job. He found an ad saying that a business trainer is required. A person’s education is not direct but somehow related to the posting’s filed. So he scans ad and found out that indirectly he was doing something like this in the pas before college. So, this is the answer. If your previous job did not directly include some of the requirements maybe there were kind of indirect. Think about them and put them into your resume.

Try to present your resume in the best positive manner. This will for sure attract employer. Do not write in your resume about salary expectations or benefits; something like why company is good for you; always check your spelling and grammar; fond size must be not larger than 13 points, preferably Times New Roman or Arial; check for consistent formatting; don’t use photos in your resume; don’t mention why you quit previous job.

I hope my post will help you in writing your resume. 

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